
Font Practicing & Just a Little Uplifting


“Blessed are the weird people, the poets & misfits, the artists, the writers & music makers, the dreamers, and the outsiders for they force us to see the world differently.”

One of the most difficult tasks for me is to relax my mind. In university, it would take me over 2hrs+ to fall asleep because I just couldn’t shut off my mind. I always used those moments before bed as “my time”. Similar to being in the showing, the moments before sleep were one of the very few guiltless times in the day when I could think about what ever I wanted. I am by no means advocating this because, trust me, this much thinking at once is unhealthy. When your thoughts are so numerous that you can’t fall asleep, you are not doing any favors for your mind or body.


Why are my clouds blue?


Ever since I could remember, I’ve had a love affair with art. I could say we found one another, but really, I believe we were made for each other. Sit me down with watercolours or a brand new box of crayons, and I was in my own tiny bliss (fully equipped with a built in crayon sharpener).

For me, my love of art like the wind; while it’s frustrating that you can’t accurately describe it’s vastness and ‘nothing-ness’, it somehow manages to fill your soul with everything you could have ever hoped and imagined.
