What I Eat in a Day: Eating Vegan in NYC

I will confess…I love “What I Eat in a Day” videos/blogs. Curiosity makes an appearance when we think about what other people purchase, eat, or even wear. Humans get trapped into routines; we are all guilty of this. So being able to catch a glimpse into someone’s life is the best inspiration to breakout of typical habits. Recently, my cousins and I took a much needed trip into NYC. Since one of my cousins eats a plant-based diet, I became thrilled at the thought of all the food we would eat in the city.

I think people are quick to judge vegetarian and plant-based diets. For some reason, stigmas have been created about eating healthy – some people like to mock those who actually enjoy eating this way. Not me! I personally love a plant-based diet, and I typically eat this way about 70-80% of the time. For me, this lifestyle agrees with my body. Eating rich dishes, meats and excess dairy do not always result in a happy me.

One of the hardest struggles of eating plant-based is going out. I will admit that when you are with a group of friends whose dietary restrictions are as diverse as a crayon box, it usually becomes difficult to please everyone. But if you are traveling with a select few, or even by yourself, there are no excuses! While you think it might be hard to find foods when you travel, you will have no issues in NYC! So, sit back and enjoy my little travel food diary.

After running to catch the mid-morning train, my cousins and I embarked on our journey into the city. We arrived shortly before noon and stopped at the hotel to drop off our bags. By this point, food was a must. It needed to be vegan, close by, and delicious.

Lunchtime: By CHLOE

By CHLOE is a classic lunchspot for workers. Our location was Flatiron. If you hit this place during peak hours, you will find a line to the door of people waiting to sit down and pick up to-go orders. Since we weren’t dashing back to an office, we ordered and found seats inside.

Whiskey BBQ Burger & Sweet Potato Fries
Smoky portobello mushrooms & seitan, onion marmalade, grilled pineapple, sauteed kale, bourbon bbq, potato bun

The BBQ sandwich was good! Somehow I always manage to pick the messiest item. Ten napkins later, (almost) everything was safely in my stomach. P.S. Don’t underestimate the homemade beet ketchup and chipotle aioli! Both were much welcome surprises!
If you were curious, my cousins both got “burgers” as well: regular and avocado. There might have also been a sneaky purchase of mac and cheese. Not one of us was disappointed with our selections.

Check out the menu and other locations here.

Dinner: Blossom

If you search “Top Vegan Restaurant in NYC”, Blossom will appear top of the list. The restaurant creates divine food that breaks the stigma of “vegan”. With every bit, you truly forget everything is plant-based. I will warn you, Blossom is a treat. While not the most expensive, it also is not the cheapest of dining options.

P.S. Sorry about the sub-par photos. You can’t always get the lighting you desire when you go to a restaurant.

If you want an upscale, vegan dining experience, check out Blossom here.

Breakfast: Juice Generation

Living in suburbia means that sometimes you are limited. There are not always a great selection of dining options. One item I was dying to have in the city was an açaí bowl. I couldn’t wait to dive into the refreshing treat packed with so many healthy items.

Hella Good Greens
Açaí, almond milk, spinach, mango, green protein, banana, hemp granola, blueberries, hemp seeds

The Hella Good Greens was phenomenal and so filling. Rest assured, I ate every last bit. If I wasn’t in public, I might have even licked the bowl clean… #noshame #dontjudgeme.

Check out other bowls and menu items here.

Coffee Break: Culture Espresso

I am no stranger to Culture. I stumbled into this coffee bar when I was in a dire (non-Starbucks) coffee mood after my train ride years go. After my first drink, I became a loyal customer – I always stop in when I come into the city.

Now, I mentioned above that I’m usually 70-80% plant-based. What’s included in those remaining percentages, you ask? Well, I don’t typically go vegan with my coffees. I can drink a coffee black until the day I die. But when I crave those handcrafted espresso beverages, I prefer the pairing of milk and coffee over all. Almond and coconut milks are great, and I will get them from time to time, but it’s just not the same #sorrynotsorry. Culture makes a divine Flat White and that is what I intended on drinking that day. But as fate would have it, the espresso machine broke right as the barista was about to brew my shots. Because of this serendipity, my coffee break is now included in this post. Since all espresso beverages were no longer an option, I selected a drip coffee to-go.
A special shot out and thank you to the workers in Culture! Besides being beyond apologetic, even though forces were out of your control, your generosity in giving me a free drink card (along with my coffee) was unbelievably kind. You guys are the best!

P.S. If you know someone who isn’t eating vegan, tell them about the amazing Chocolate Chip cookies at Culture. They are legendary, and would make anyone’s day if consumed.

That’s all for this post! What are some of your favorite vegan eats in the city?

With love, Stephie xoxo

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