
Fate is Funny that Way…

Let me paint the setting “first 78 degree day in weeks, cloudless sky, warm sun on skin…” I just ate lunch outside and wanted my coffee. As I reached into the fridge, I noticed my almond coffee hadn’t finished cooling. I really needed a caffeine fix but I was determined to wait until it properly cooled.


Makeup Revolution Excitement

Normally I don’t have an urge to dedicate an entire post to makeup. There are plenty of amazing bloggers/vloggers out there who clearly know more about the matter, so I prefer to leave all real expertise up to them! Despite all this, I must say that I love the artistic nature of makeup. I can’t help but at least admire all the mediums.


February Favorites

Another month of 2016 is gone, and I’m actually glad! The driving force behind my happiness is that it is now March, and warm weather is approaching. While it is breathtaking to see the land before you coated in the purest and picturesque dusting of nature, these sights don’t fill me with enough joy to dismiss my eagerness for it all to be over. February was a lovely month though, and below are some things that I really enjoyed!
