Sip of the Month – Monthly Favorites

The one thing I am trying to improve upon with my blog is consistency. I really love doing Monthly Favorites, Tea of the Months and Thursday Discover Weeklys, but I always find myself struggling to get them out. Out of no where, life suddenly picks up. My works days get upward to 12hrs long, my depression and anxiety spotlights shine brightly, and all I want is to curl up on the sofa and watch Netflix.

While I cannot promise that I will get these out all the time, I do want to start making an effort! Fingers crossed I can pull it off! As for right now, I thought I would catch you all up on some of my favorite teas over the past few months!

Red Goi Raspberry & Acai Dragonfruit Melon Lipton Green Tea
Lipton Flavor Green Teas
Coming off a February love of the Orange Passionfruit Jasmine flavor, without a doubt, these guys still remained my favorite in March. I even wrote a full tea review on two of the flavors. I just went through so many boxes of these guys. For the teas I have already reviewed, I’ll just do quick words of love:
(click the two links above for a full review – noted with * below)
Orange Passionfruit Jasmine Green Tea*
Best suited for your mellow, calming moods. The tastes are beautifully subtle – with the passionfruit and orange shining.
Red Goji Raspberry Green Tea*
Sweet and blissful raspberry that lingers and does not overwhelm. The Goji mellows out and balances the tea. Truly delicate and enjoyable.
Acai Dragonfruit Melon Green Tea*
First smell you inhale and taste you engulf is melon. I’m truly in love with melon teas, and this one is no exception. I ecourage everyone to try Melon tea hot, besides the typical iced.
White Mangosteen Peach Green Tea
After finally hunting down this little guy, I was beyond ecstatic to try this one. I’m not too knowledgeable on mangosteen but it tastes incredible, especially with the peach pairing. Just like the other three above, it is one of those teas that you can just drink anytime. Nothing is too overpowering and it is well suited for any tea mood.
Purple Acai Blueberry Lipton Green TeaPurple Acai Blueberry
What a gem!! While purple acai blueberry is great warm, it is amazing as a cold brew. Pop two tea bags into a mason jar and let it sit overnight and you have something special. The blueberry is just perfect here, and that predominately has to do with the acai balance. I enjoy Lipton’s use of Acai to cut typical overpowering flavor profiles to make them everyday enjoyable! So happy I added this to my list!

DavidsTea Movie Night
DavidsTea Movie Night is such a night time treat! Movie night tastes like kettle popcorn. I was inspired to join the popcorn tea bandwagon when DavidsTea re-released their Caramel Corn flavor last yet. Hopefully it is released again in the late summer (I’ve heard rumors that Cotton Candy will be coming back, so I hope I’m not disappointed). Movie night is such a great late night treat. While both Caramel Corn and Movie Night share the sweet popcorn taste, Movie night shys away from the caramelized sugar profile. It’s truly a delight, and I recommend it to everyone! Even if you are hesitant, move out of your comfort zone and try this one out!

Clipper Tea Organic Wild Berry
Clipper Tea Organic Wild Berry
Any time I see Clipper Tea at TJ Max/Marshalls, I tend to buy it. Mainly because Clipper isn’t readily available near me. So when I purchased Wild Berry back in December, I was excited. But I quickly found that I was barely drinking it. Seasonal tea is a real thing guys, and boy did I have those moods this year. Every time I went for a tea in the colder months, I wanted the warm cinnamon, chocolate or minty flavors. Berries weren’t high on my list. Now with the summer months approaching, all I am craving is berry iced teas.
To make my iced tea, I either do it one or two ways: cold steep two tea bags in a covered mason jar, or I do a cheat brew. For a cheat brew, I start by pouring a little bit of hot water over the two tea bags. This will get the tea started. Then I pour cold water over the rest, let sit, and top with ice. Both methods are delicious! Side note: Don’t worry if the tea is too strong, all you have to do is add extra water.

What have been some of your favorite teas over the past few months?

With love, Stephie

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