Favorite Winter Drink

Another Christmas over; a new year just beginning! I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday, and are indulging on all treats before it’s time to hit the re-start for those new year resolutions. If you are currently a gym lover, brace yourself for the dreaded over crowded January month – you have my my sympathies!

My treat this holiday season has been one little, warm nugget – A Hot Toddy! To be honest, I had no clue what a Hot Toddy even was before a few weeks ago. Like many, I’ve heard the name but thought nothing more past that point. I am here to tell you that if this sounds like you as well, drop everything and be prepared to meet your new favorite winter drink!

A Hot Toddy can be made many ways. Traditional style calls for bourbon/whiskey, honey, lemon, and hot water. I tweak mine slightly by adding orange and clove (thank you Stef Michalak for this). The smells are divine, and instantly force you to curl up with a good blanket. P.S if you aren’t a massive whiskey fan, don’t fret. Once the water and honey are added, the drink becomes very enjoyable.

Hot Toddy
1 oz Bourbon/Whiskey
1 tbs Honey
2 tps Lemon Juice
1/2 C Hot Water
Thick Slice of Orange
6-8 Whole Cloves

Into your mug of choice (I prefer these little glass ones), pour in the whiskey, honey and lemon juice. Stir until combined. Cut slice of orange and push your whole cloves into the inner pieces. You want to make sure you cut an orange slice that fits inside your glass, while still being thick enough to push pieces of cloves into. THANK YOU STEF for this trick! All credit goes to you!

After, either put the orange & clove into your cup followed by the hot water, or do it in reverse. Personally, I add the hot water, mix all the liquids together, and then add the orange slice. The reason being that my cup is small, and trying to stir everything with a giant orange slice inside is difficult! Let your drink cool for about a minute, and start sipping away.

What have been your favorite drinks this holiday season?

With love, Stephie xoxo

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