Cousin Love: Girls Day Extravaganza

There is nothing quite like a Girls Day spent with a lady you love dearly. Some grocery shopping, cooking, tea drinking and gossip all sums up to an excellent time spent with excellent company, must I say.

I’ll admit, while my cousin (Amber) and I are only 2 years apart, we have never been closer than we are right now. Over the past year, the realization that we are going through the same life struggles has allowed us to lean on each other in ways we never envisioned before. It was truly a beautiful realization.

Amber and Stephanie

(Fade into Girls Day) With the arrival of my cousin late morning, we immidently jetted off to grab some provisions! I knew a much desired Trader Joe’s trip was on the agenda, but I am not going to deny how elated I was to hear that my cousin also wanted to stop at Whole Foods. Typically, my visits to Whole Foods are limited – it is just outside of my weekly travel radius for food – so any trip is a treat!

Vegan Veggie Udon Noodle Bowl

Amber went to culinary school, so thankfully going to a grocery store without a plan of attack for dinner did not result in me crying (yes, a common occurrence with me when I attempt to shop for an unplanned dinner). We decided on a Asian Pho-like influenced soup – equipped with veggies and udon noodles (all vegan too).

Dark Chocolate

After hours of walking down each aisle (and circling back to the chocolate multiple times), Amber and I finally headed back to the house. We quickly put away the groceries and setteled into two cups of tea. My cousin’s favorite part about seeing me is my tea collection – she is truly in heaven. Both of us could spend hours upon hours simply sniffing tea. Side note: I am actually very envious of her trip to the West Cost! She found a Stash Tea Shop, where they had nitro teas “on tap”. Thanks Amber for the picture below!

Portland Nitro Tea on Tap

In celebration of us finally spending the day together, a bottle of Processco was also much needed. I recommend throwing in frozen or normal grapes to your glass for an added, bubbly touch. If anything, you get to watch the little guys dance in the flutes!

Palmier Pastry

Overall, the day was perfect. Cooking, tea, and movies…it doesn’t get better than that!

Hope you guys are having a great weekend!

With love, Stephie xoxo

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